
Rushmore Americans

Welcome to the home of the Rushmore Americans.  We are America First!  Dedicated to preserving our country's conservative values & morals while spreading freedom & truth in Western South Dakota!

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigues of supporting it." - Thomas Paine -The American Crisis, No. 4, September 11, 1777
Rushmore Americans

Our Board

President - Erica Douglas
Vice President - Kaylene Danielson
Secretary - Mary Brucker
Treasurer - Sandy Johnson

Join Us for a "Meet the Candidate" Event

Meet the Candidate - Justin McNeal
Please plan to attend a "Meet the Candidate" event on Sat, 17 Feb 24 
The Joy Center in Spearfish
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2024
Time: 1000 - 1200
Where: The Joy Center
1351 St Joe St, Spearfish, SD 57783
Justin McNeal is working towards a US Congress run against Rep Dusty Johnson.

What's going on with Rushmore Americans?

Meeting Info

Meeting Announcement:  

Our next meeting is right around the corner! Please join us AND BRING A FRIEND! 

Be Involved & Be Heard 
Freedom Requires Responsibility 

Next meeting is 8 Feb @ 5:30pm at the Spearfish Senior Center

Where to find us!

 "God uses unlikely fighters to face unbeatable giants, so He can accomplish an unimaginable victory. ~Greg Stier 

Be Involved & Be Heard 
Freedom Requires Responsibility
Here are the places you can find us.:

Truth Social: @rwlc (Admin Account)
Truth Social:Rushmore Americans
Rumble: Coming soon.


Greetings to All,

WELCOME to the  group! We are excited to announce the establishment of our new CO-ED club, Rushmore Americans.

This group is FULL of freedom loving and patriotic Americans.  We are so thankful for the growth and evolution we have seen within this group over the last year. The trajectory we are on working as an action-oriented team where every voice matters, has been pivotal to the success our group has experienced. We are not slowing down!

Be on the lookout for growth in our online presence to other social media platforms, a new website, routine postings with information on our meetings, topics, events, newsletters, calls to action, press releases, celebrations and opportunities to BE INVOLVED and BE HEARD.

Thank you SO much for choosing to be a part of our group and our endeavors to ensure that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are not lost.
Freedom requires responsibility.
With Gratitude,
Rushmore Americans

Call to Action

We are actively working on election integrity measures in Lawrence County! 
A committee has been formed to address election integrity concerns. 
If you would like to be involved, please send an interest email to rw.lc.sd@gmail.com
Presence at the Lawrence County Commissioners meetings are necessary while we work on circulating the petition. If you are available and willing to attend and provide a three minute public comment on election integrity needs, efforts, observations, etc., please let us know. We would like to have at least one person there for each meeting.  Please note that Public Comment is scheduled for 10:45am and that time may shift forward and back depending upon how long other agenda items take. The reality is that this is SUPER inconvenient for working citizens and you will need to be flexible.

We have a County Ordinance Initiative Petition in circulation.
For more info or to help, please send us an email at rw.lc.sd@gmail.com.

Who we are following!
Issues we are following!
Stories we are following!

South Dakota Freedom Caucus

The South Dakota Freedom Caucus is the 6th caucus formed under the State Freedom Caucus Network, founded by elected officials who believe in freedom and liberty for the people of South Dakota, and who intend to be the standard bearers for our shared Conservative values.

Click on More info below to visit their site


This is where you’ll find ways to equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to exercise your rights & take back our state by wielding the power you’ve had this whole time as a Constitutionally protected American citizen. Read the Constitution, learn how your government works, & get involved!


More South Dakota lawmakers found to have taken payments from state

An investigations by The Dakota Scout finds at least a half-dozen legislators or legislator-owned businesses listed as vendors in state finance documents

Click on More info below to visit their site
Who we are following!
Issues we are following!
Stories we are following!

South Dakota Canvassing

We are a volunteer organization working to restore free, fair, transparent and secure elections in South Dakota, now and for future generations.

Latest Substack articles:

Click on More info below to visit their site

Concerned Citizens of Butte County

Our friends to the north! 

We are Concerned Citizens of Butte County. Our focus is on the government of our county, to ensure that we have citizen input into the decisions that affect our lives. We insist that our elected and appointed representatives be held accountable for the decisions they make.  As our motto states, we believe in freedom and limited government, and we believe that our government, at all levels, has asserted, and continues to assert, excessive control of our individual lives and activities. We wish to reverse that trend.

Click on More info below to visit their site

South Dakota Legislature

Stay involved!

2024 Session Calendar

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Endorses Trump for 2024 at Rally (VIDEO)

Citizen Journalists

Resignation of Commissioner Randy Deibert

A quick write-up of the events from the 24 Oct 2023 commissioners meeting where Randy Deibert resigned effective immediately.
  (Click More Info below for the entire article)

Opinion - Does SURF = CERN? By Nichole Braithwait

 If you have been paying attention to politics on a “global” level, chances are pretty good that you are aware of the role the World Economic Forum and all their unelected “Founders, Governors & Members” play in this global game of chess where they seek to influence the world and how we collectively live our lives.
(Click More Info below for the entire article)

Money Doesn't Grow on Trees - By Gold Rush Discovery News

We as citizens go about our daily lives and our work, trusting our county commissioners to manage our county efficiently. Most of us do not have the time, nor are we allowed to take time from work to attend all daytime commissioner meetings. Most of all we are not paid to do the commission’s work of managing.
(Click More Info below for the entire article)

Weekly Devotional

Join Rushmore Americans President, Erica Douglas Thurs @ 10:00am 

The readings will be from Stories of Faith and Courage from the Revolutionary War.

Consider how God "shed his grace" on the birth of our nation! Featuring inspiring accounts from America's Revolutionary War, this unique devotional highlights the lives of patriots who looked heavenward during the time of conflict. Through Revolution-era letters, diaries, and sermons, plus a Scripture verse and brief prayer, each day's selection explores a timeless theme such as loneliness, contentment, fear, and God's will.

Great video interview with the author, Jane Hampton Cook

Join us on Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 5749 0365
Passcode: 322072

Past Rushmore Americans Events

SD Freedom Caucus!

Thank you to the South Dakota Freedom Caucus for spending an evening with us discussing the current state of government affairs, answering questions, and informing citizens on what we can expect to see in the 2024 Legislative Session.

Rep Scott Odenbach

Thank you to Rep Odenbach and the approx 70 people who joined us at BHSU to hear from Rep Odenbach on his thoughts for the 2024 Legislative Session.

LRC Training

We were blessed to have Tonchi Weaver in Lawrence County to teach the ins and outs of the LRC website.  All citizens should be informed and learn how to navigate this site, contact representation and be involved.  Citizen engagement is key to saving our country. 

Past Rushmore Americans Events

Call to Action!

Members from our group provided public comment on election integrity at the county commissioners meeting.  A copy of SD Canvassing's presentation and a video link to one of their West River presentations was provided to the board.

A video of the public comment can be viewed by clicking More Info below.

Rep Harriet Hageman!

57 patriots left our event tonight energized and motivated to save this country. We cannot thank Rep Hageman enough for coming to spend time with us this evening. Thank you also to Taffy Howard for South Dakota for the introduction and all the support you give the RWLC. FINALLY, a HUGE round of applause to RWLC President Erica Douglas for making it all happen.

SD Canvassing!

We were blessed to host the SD Canvassing team in July 2023.  Approximately 60 citizens were presented their findings on election fraud in South Dakota elections.

Past Rushmore Americans Events

Mineral Miners!

We hosted a hugely informative briefing in June 2023 on mining in the Black Hills.  Approximately 80 citizens were informed of ongoing mining and the potential of future operations in our area.

Affordable housing!
In May 2023 we received a very informative briefing from NeighborWorks on affordable housing issues in our area and what they are doing to help!

Movie Night!

We hosted a great movie night for 17 citizens in April 2023.   Politics and the Bible. “The two just don't mix” – at least that's what we've been told for the past fifty years. But is this what the Bible says? Is it what American History teaches? Or what the Constitution demands? Definitely not. In fact, just the opposite. In Biblical Principles and the Political Process, rediscover the Bibles mandate, recover forgotten teachings from American history, and learn why Biblical principles and people of faith cannot remain separate from politics if America is to enjoy limited government and a strong culture.

Proud Member of GovWatchSD

GovWatchSD is for South Dakota citizens to stay up to date on current events & learn about their local government & the various roles in it through citizen journalists & grassroots political activists so they can get involved, exercise their Constitutional rights & hold their civil servants accountable.
Not Available
Lawrence County, South Dakota